Magento Enhanced E-commerce for Google Tag Manager

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If you are using Google Analytics with Magento then you need Enhanced E-commerce, so why wait?

Purchase today, start improving your conversion rate tomorrow! If for any reason our extension does not work and we can not fix it, we’ll refund your money*

Andrea S
January 21, 2022

Excellent Magento 2 extensions and 5-star quality support. If you need to set up Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics (Universal Analytics and the new GA4 - Google Analytics 4), an SMTP email module, customize the data layer variables, etc, definitely buy the extensions from MagePal. The code works well and support is outstanding. Quick knowledgeable responses to questions, from a lead developer. Absolutely great.

Tomasz D
April 4, 2021

I can recommend GTM/Enhanced Ecommerce Magento solutions provided by MagePal. They're providing customer with all the basic analytics/dataLayer functionalities by default, plus are not that difficult to extend and use for custom things. What's also worth to emphasise - quick and solid support from their creator

Dejan K
October 6, 2020

Great and professional !

Dayniel A
January 18, 2021

Quick and excellent service.

Deresh P
September 17, 2023

Extension works perfectly

October 20, 2020

Renon was super patient and supportive throughout the whole experience, MagePal always provide the best extensions you could need as an ecommerce, definitely recommend!!!

Luca S
February 13, 2024

They have an amazing list of free modules “must have”, and with strong code and well maintained. Absolutely one of the magento 2 software house more reliable. Customer service is quick in response and very professional. Thank you for your work!

Luca S
December 10, 2020

They have an amazing list of free modules “must have”, and with strong code and well maintained. Absolutely one of the magento 2 software house more reliable. Customer service is quick in response and very professional. Thank you for your work!

Haid S
September 6, 2020

Great products and service. Thanks

September 22, 2020

Amazing customer support and superb extension quality !

Bradley C
January 18, 2023

We have used their magento modules for several years now and they have been great for us and any service or support that we have needed has been fast and professional!

Ivar A
December 15, 2020

Everything works as needed and support is very helpful!

Indrek B
December 19, 2021

very quick and great support

Bert P
August 24, 2020

We had a question about the Google Tag Module, and thought we had a paid version. But we were mistaken and were using the free version, still they gave us some advice to help debugging the issue. Good service.

Alfredo A
May 9, 2022

Excellent company 100% recommended, in extensions for Adobe Commerce

Spend less time coding and more time improving your conversion rate.

Attention all free Google Analytics users! Google has wrapped up support for Universal Analytics with Enhanced E-commerce for non-paying users. It's time to embrace the future of analytics with Google Analytics 4. Say farewell to Enhanced E-commerce and give a warm welcome to our brand-new GA4 extension!

Save thousands of dollars on integration and advertising budget by powering your digital marketing with the most advanced, flexible, and scalable Google Tag Manager solution for Magento. Quickly integrate Magento with Google Tag Manager to better manage, track, and deploy your marketing tracking codes in one centralized location without any site modifications or hassles. Trusted by merchants, agencies, and store owners, Enhanced E-commerce provides in-depth reporting, and metrics to help you analyze and better understand your customers' conversion funnel. Unlike traditional Google Analytics which was built for non-eCommerce corporate websites, Enhanced E-commerce provides twice as many reports about your customers' actions (like product impression, product view, add to cart, remove from cart, and more).

With Enhanced E-commerce, you gain access to more data and reporting tools to better understand your customers' needs and take actions based on these insights to improve your return on investment, track customers' behavior, and optimize your ad spending. Whether you are a small Magento merchant or an Enterprise customer, our suite of Google Tag Manager extensions will help you accomplish the most challenging and demanding GTM projects within days, instead of spending weeks or months creating custom solutions. With our extensive data layer attributes set, adding Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Bing or Pinterest code snippets is quick and easy without constantly having to get developers to make code changes. We invested hundreds of hours developing and testing our extensions so you can have all the power of Google Tag Manager at your fingertips.

Buy with confidence

Install our extensions with confidence knowing that they will just work! But if you run into an issue... no problem, we normally solve all issues in 15 minutes or less.

Did you know?
  • Our extensions have been downloaded over 1.6 million times, with thousands of happy customers worldwide.
  • We are Core Magento 2 contributors.
  • We are amongst the top 10 Magento contributors on StackOverflow.
  • We provide bug fixes to almost all extension companies
  • We help develop some of the top multi-million to billion-dollar brands using Magento
  • and best of all we just love creating great Magento products.

Each line of our code is carefully written and tested so that you will spend less time on issues and more time doing what you do best!

Setup in 30 minutes or less

Adding Enhanced E-commerce functionality to your Magento store can be a very time-consuming, difficult, and costly process that can take weeks or months. However, using our extension you can quickly and easily add Enhanced E-commerce tracking functionality to your website by just installing and configuring our extension.

Analyze your site like never before with Shopping Behavior Report.

Spending a fortune on advertising, but have no idea what's converting? Shopping Behavior Report provides a detailed conversion matrix on how your site visitors move from one stage to the next of your sales funnel. This report displays the total number of sessions for a given date range and then displays statistics on the number and percentage of sessions with product views, sessions add to cart action, sessions with checkout, and finally the number of sessions with successful transactions.

Why Is Shopping Behavior Important?

This report is vital to all store owners because it gives you a clear birds-eye view of how users are interacting with your products and where you are losing most customers. This report can quickly identify and allow you to fix issues such as a lot of product pages viewed by your user but next to zero products added to their shopping cart, a lot of abundant carts because of user drop off at the shipping step, or a lot of users adding products to their shopping cart but very few users enter the checkouts process.

Checkout Behavior Report

Checkout Behavior Report provides a comprehensive visual funnel for each step of the checkout process. This matrix illustrates the number of user sessions that visit the first step of the checkout process and a breakdown for each exit point.

Sales Performance Report

Google Analytics Sales Performance Report displays three main metrics: total revenue, conversion rate, and average order value. Using the Sales Performance Report you can quickly identify on which days your online store brought in the most revenue.

Product Performance Report

This Google Analytics report displays the sales and shopping behavior of your products over time. It is used by marketers to quickly view the top-selling or lowest-performing products to quickly determine which marketing campaigns are performing well and which need optimization.

Stop tracking pageview... Start tracking product interactions.

Introduced back in 2014, Google Enhanced E-commerce is an optional but important add-on to standard Google Analytics, created specifically to meet the needs of today’s evolving commerce space.

Enhanced E-commerce gives you the ability to better measure your product performances and conversion in today’s rapidly changing commerce space. Upgrade today to find out why enhanced e-commerce is a must-have upgrade to your Magento and Analytics integration.

Product List Performance

The product list performance report allows you to track the performance of a group of products. By analyzing this report you can quickly review the product list view engagement matrix, clicks, and click-through rate to better tailor your product placement and suggested offerings to maximize item visibility, click-through rates, and better your conversions.

Easy to customize...

Our extension is not just another Google Tag Manager module that adds GTM javascript code to the head section of your site! All our extensions are developed with developer customization in mind. With just a few lines of code, you can quickly add or change virtually any data layer element.

Track even more...

Whether you are building a simple or enterprise-level solution, our extension comes pre-built with many events and data layer values to accelerate your Google Tag Manager integration. We have an event for that!

  • productImpression
  • productClick
  • productDetail
  • addToCart
  • addToCartItemOptionRequired
  • addToCartFailed
  • removeFromCart
  • purchase
  • refund
  • checkout
  • checkoutOption
  • paymentMethodAdded
  • shippingMethodAdded
  • checkoutShippingStepFailed
  • checkoutShippingStepCompleted
  • checkoutEmailValidation
  • checkoutPaymentStepFailed
  • checkoutPaymentStepCompleted
  • For more events see our Datalayer extension

Frequently Asked Questions.

What's the difference between Google Analytics and Enhanced E-commerce?

As e-commerce, technology, and advertising have evolved over the last two decades, marketers also needed better ways to track their e-commerce store performance to improve the conversion rate. Traditional Google Analytics was designed to track page views and how people interact with your site. Enhanced E-commerce was designed to track users' interaction with your products by offering the ability to track Add to Cart, Remove from Cart, Product Impression, and much more.

What is Google Analytics Enhanced E-commerce?

Enhanced E-commerce is one of the most powerful reporting tools used by merchants, agencies, and store owners to get in-depth metrics and reports on how customers are interacting with their various products and services. Introduced back in 2014, the Google Analytics Enhanced E-commerce plugin (ec.js) is a modern revamp of standard Google Analytics. It provides additional reporting and functionality to better meet the needs of today's evolving e-commerce space by collecting and analyzing more data.

Unlike traditional analytics which only focuses on page views, enhanced e-commerce focuses on shopping behavior, product segmentation, and customer interaction. These behaviors allow you to quickly learn important trends about your users' buying habits. You can easily determine how many customers visit your site without performing any shopping activity vs. how many customers interact with your products by either viewing the product detail page, adding an item to their cart, starting the checkout process, or best of all making a purchase.

Another advantage of using Google Enhanced E-commerce is the ability to create segments based on Enhanced E-commerce events. You can create a segment for users who visited the product detail page but did not add that product to their cart, or for users who dropped off the checkout funnel at a specific step. Enhanced E-commerce allows you to track things that don’t fit neatly into traditional GA’s predefined page view design such as sales revenue, product refund value, the number of times a product detail page was viewed vs the number of times the products were added to cart or the number of times it was purchased. Without Enhanced E-commerce, these key insights and reports would be either impossible or very complex and time-consuming to track using standard Google Analytics. Google Enhanced E-commerce will provide you will endless information on how to optimize your e-commerce site to improve your conversion rates.

Add Enhanced E-commerce functionality to your Magento store is challenging but using our Magento 2 Enhanced E-commerce modules eliminates all the hard work and you can be up and running in under 30 minutes.

Is it worth implementing Enhanced E-commerce?

Yes, if you are like all other Magento merchants selling products online who strive to improve their conversion rates gain valuable insight on how your various promotions and ads are impacting your sales, and find areas where can improve your revenues, then you will gain valuable information about your customer by adding Enhanced E-commerce to your Magento store.

Why should I upgrade to Enhanced E-commerce?

Assume for a moment, you are away traveling for a week and no one buys from your brick-and-mortar store, would you schedule a meeting with your sales team to find out what going on? Running your online should not be any different. Most customer will never pick up their phone to call customer service or a sales rep to request more information about your products or services. Therefore it is instrumental to gather as much information as possible about your customers' behavior from your website since it is the only layer between your customers and your products.

How to implement Enhanced E-commerce with Magento?

Implementing Enhanced E-commerce is a pretty big project, trust us we know, we have implemented various complex analytics tracking on many multi-million to billion-dollar brands. However, setting up Enhanced E-commerce in your Magento store is as simple as installing our extension and configuring a few tags in Google Tag Manager. We have spent months doing all the hard work to make integrating Enhanced E-commerce as easily and smoothly as possible.

Do I need a developer or agency to implement Enhanced E-commerce?

No, with our enhanced e-commerce extension, all you need is to install the extension and have basic knowledge of how to configure tags in Google Tag Manager.

Do I need to make changes to my Magento theme?

No, our extension does not conflict with custom Magento themes or require editing of HTML files.

How much time will it take to implement Enhanced E-commerce?

Setting up and integrating our extension should take around 10 - 30 minutes with basic knowledge of how to configure tags in Google Tag Manager.

Is this extension compatible with Hyvä theme?

Yes, our extension is compatible with Hyvä theme.

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